How to fix spacing in word after paste
How to fix spacing in word after paste

how to fix spacing in word after paste how to fix spacing in word after paste

Using Ribbon Copy Button − After selecting text, you can use the copy button available at the ribbon to copy the selected content in clipboard. Using Right-Click − When you right-click on the selected text, it will display the copy option, click this option to copy the selected content in clipboard. You can make use of any one of the options − Step 2 − You have various options available to copy the selected text in clipboard. Step 1 − Select a portion of the text using any of the text selection methods. Following is the procedure to copy the content in word − The Copy operation will just copy the content from its original place and create a duplicate copy of the content at the desired location without deleting the text from it's the original location. When you copy or cut a text, it stay on the clipboard temporarily and in the second step you can paste this content at the desired location. To use copy and paste or cut and paste operations, Word makes use of a temporary memory which is called the clipboard. This tutorial will teach you how to use copy, cut and paste techniques to duplicate a text leaving the original text intact or removing the original text completely.

how to fix spacing in word after paste

In the previous chapter, we understood how we can select the desired text and move it to any other location in the same document or in any other document. In this chapter, we will discuss how to copy, cut and paste in Word 2010.

How to fix spacing in word after paste